Andrea M. Sawyer
This is the third batch of 36 paintings in my 12x12x12x12 Challenge - 144 12x12 oils on canvas - a way to keep myself productively engaged in making art during the Covid epidemic. The first was completed May 15, 2021, the last on August 18, 2021. Several of these were painted during and just after our June stay in one of the Cape Cod National Seashore's dune shacks - ours was Zara, some are interiors of Provincetown's Mary Heaton Vorse House (noted as MHV), and there are a number inspired by our gardens. Each time I reach for a new 12x12 toned canvas from the dwindling stack I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to paint, and often I surprise myself. As I begin the last 36 I'm as excited and motivated as I was at the beginning, and still curious where this will take me. Most paintings are available for sale starting at $1000 plus frame and shipping, please contact me at if interested in purchasing.
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Tomatoes in Green Bowl
The Flats